Monday, October 12, 2009


A conversation Madeline and I had a few weeks ago regarding Halloween:

M: Is Supergirl scary?
I: Um, no. She helps people. She's not scary.
M: Then why am I being her for Halloween?
I: You don't have to be something scary for Halloween. You can dress up as whoever or whatever you want.
M: No, you're supposed to go out at night and scare people.
I: Oh. Well, what do you want to be then?
M: I could be that slurpy guy.
I: What "slurpy" guy?
M: You know, from Star Wars. The guy who's a big blob with no bones.
I: Jabba the Hut?
M: Yeah. Does Jabba the Hut have bones?
I: I don't know. I guess he looks like he could have no bones.
M: Does he have a wife? Or kids?
I: I don't think so.
M: What about his mom and dad? Does he have a mom and a dad?
I: I guess he must. I've never really thought about it.
M: Who are his mom and dad?
I: I don't know. They're not in the movies. You'll have to ask someone who knows more about Star Wars than me.