Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Two down!

With my 0.75 swim this morning, I have completed the swim requirement for the Lazyman! Now I just have to bike, bike, bike for the next week and a half.

Also notable, I got us all dressed, fed and out the door by 7:45 to make it to the Y by 8. I had hoped to do this at least two times a week this summer. This is the first day it actually happened. We'll see if it ever happens again.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Week 3 - June 20-26

I was going to title this post "Ugh" until I realized that really it wasn't horrible. I made great headway on my Lazyman mileage. However, I did not get in nearly the number of workouts I had hoped. Partly due to a lingering hip injury and partly due to a toe injury (that I thought briefly may have been a break, but thankfully is not) I didn't run at all. On the plus side, this was a recovery week on my marathon training plan. Not a bad week to be off. And I did bike twice and swim once; it's not like I did nothing. Wow, just typing this up is making me feel better about the week!

Here are the totals:

June 20-26
Swim: 1 mile
Bike: 28 miles
Run: 0 miles

Totals, miles completed/percentage remaining
Swim: 1.75/30%
Bike: 64.8/42%
Run: 38/Complete!

With the Lazyman 60% completely, I'm well on track. My toe injury may have been a blessing in disguise as it forced me to rest my hip. Let's see what this week brings!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

One mile!

Today I swam a mile! It is the first time in a loooong time that I have swum that far in a single workout. I honestly don't remember and didn't keep notes about my old training routines; I imagine I must have been swimming at least a mile in my workouts at some point. But I do remember aspiring to mile long workouts and thinking it seemed so long.

Last week was the first time in several weeks that I had swum seriously, since before the half-marathon Memorial Day weekend. In these two workouts I could really feel how much my aerobic endurance has increased. When I started swimming this winter, 300 meters without resting was tough. Today I was going to do 500 (the swim distance for my triathlon in August) but felt so good I ended up doing 1000. Feeling really good about that. I might have to start working harder on technique and speed now.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Week 2 - June 13-June 19

Overall it was a good week. I got in the pool for the first time in a long time. I got two bike rides in, though both were shorter than I had hoped. An unexpected trip to Rochester to visit my new niece added an extra off day this week. I'm still a bit behind on the biking. I'm going to have to average 25 miles a week the next three weeks, but if I hit cycle class once a week and go out on a weekend ride, I can do it. Things will be a little complicated by a camping trip this weekend and a family trip to Lake Superior July 4th weekend. I'll be bringing my bike along on both, I guess.

The week of June 13-19
Swim: 0.75 miles
Bike: 20.5 miles
Run: 16.5 miles

Totals, miles completed/percentage remaining
Swim: 0.75/70%
Bike: 36.8/67%
Run: 38/Complete!

I think my run miles are going to be close to my bike miles in the end. If I wasn't training for a marathon, I'd increase my bike-to-run ratio, but I really need to do at least one short and one long run a week.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Scents of Humor

Izzy has recently gotten in to telling knock-knock jokes. I don't remember when Madeline started telling knock-knock jokes, but I know it was later than just-turned-2. And her verbal skills were considerably more advanced. Yet Izzy's knock-knock jokes contain a sophistication that belies her age. Like the following:

Izzy: Knock knock!
Me: Who's there?
Izzy: Mommy!
Me: Mommy who?
Izzy: Mommy stinky toot!!!

See, she's like a 6-year-old boy.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Back in the saddle

I went for my first "training" bike ride of the season today. I was going to ride with a friend this morning, but the rain and a sick kid (mine) kept us home. By afternoon I was feeling twitchy from not exercising since Sunday and feeling sorry for myself that my exercise plans were foiled yet again. But Madeline was feeling better, the sun was shining and the girls wanted to get out of the house. So I loaded up the Chariot and headed out for a ride. I did an 8.5 mile route that I often run. It took me 50-something minutes, not exactly speedy. In fact, I'm pretty sure I could cover 8.5 miles in half that time on my tri bike. It was not a leisurely ride, either. I was trying to keep a high cadence and keep my heart rate up. But I was pulling 100+ pounds, riding a bike that was not built for speed. Hey, it got me out, got my biking muscles warmed up, and added some miles to my Lazyman tally. Though, I really think I should get double miles for pulling that trailer. Mile and a half?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lazy (wo)man

In an attempt to make myself focus on training for the triathlon I am doing in August (I've been focused on running for the last month or two, as I ran a half marathon Memorial Day weekend), I signed up for the "Lazyman Triathlon" at our Y. Between June 1 and July 15 I need to complete the mileages for an Ironman triathlon. For those not familiar with Ironman distances, that's 2.5 miles swimming, 112 miles biking and 26.2 miles running. (My triathlon in August is considerably shorter.)

I thought I needed to do all those miles at the Y. I was very relieved yesterday when I went to the Y for the first time since June 1 to find out that I did not have to do them all at the Y and could count all the runs I'd done and biking with the kids. I am not as far behind as I thought and I don't have to run on the treadmill when the weather is so beautiful!

I'm going to try to update my progress here every week.

For June 5 - June 12:
Swim: 0 miles
Bike: 16.3 miles
Run: 21.5 miles

Miles/percentage remaining:
Swim: 2.5 miles, 100%
Bike: 95.7 miles, 85%
Run: 4.7 miles, 18%

I will probably knock out the running in my next run. I'm hoping to get in the pool once or twice this week. I need to find a way to up my biking mileage. I keep thinking I'm going to make it to cycle class at the Y. Maybe this will be the week...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Back online

Several weeks ago, the wireless connection on my laptop stopped working. Al and I did all the troubleshooting we knew how to do to no avail. So, I've been doing all my internet-ing from the iPad or iPod. Which means I can check email, Facebook, read websites, watch Hulu, but writing anything more than a few characters long requires much more time and patience than I possess. But today Al let me borrow the USB wireless thing-y he recently got for his computer. It is so wonderful to type on a regular keyboard!