Wednesday, June 22, 2011

One mile!

Today I swam a mile! It is the first time in a loooong time that I have swum that far in a single workout. I honestly don't remember and didn't keep notes about my old training routines; I imagine I must have been swimming at least a mile in my workouts at some point. But I do remember aspiring to mile long workouts and thinking it seemed so long.

Last week was the first time in several weeks that I had swum seriously, since before the half-marathon Memorial Day weekend. In these two workouts I could really feel how much my aerobic endurance has increased. When I started swimming this winter, 300 meters without resting was tough. Today I was going to do 500 (the swim distance for my triathlon in August) but felt so good I ended up doing 1000. Feeling really good about that. I might have to start working harder on technique and speed now.


Anonymous said...

Dang. You are a superstar!!! :)

Katie said...