Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Back in the saddle

I went for my first "training" bike ride of the season today. I was going to ride with a friend this morning, but the rain and a sick kid (mine) kept us home. By afternoon I was feeling twitchy from not exercising since Sunday and feeling sorry for myself that my exercise plans were foiled yet again. But Madeline was feeling better, the sun was shining and the girls wanted to get out of the house. So I loaded up the Chariot and headed out for a ride. I did an 8.5 mile route that I often run. It took me 50-something minutes, not exactly speedy. In fact, I'm pretty sure I could cover 8.5 miles in half that time on my tri bike. It was not a leisurely ride, either. I was trying to keep a high cadence and keep my heart rate up. But I was pulling 100+ pounds, riding a bike that was not built for speed. Hey, it got me out, got my biking muscles warmed up, and added some miles to my Lazyman tally. Though, I really think I should get double miles for pulling that trailer. Mile and a half?


Katie said...

You should TOTALLY get double miles for pulling the trailer! It *IS* an additional 100lbs or then again, I didn't make the rules for your lazyman tri...

I've been approaching my bike time that has the kids in the trailer as "more" cause I imagine how light I'd feel and how fast I could go once I was free of the trailer (and in the race, I don't intend on pulling the kiddos along with me for the 15.5 miles) I'll be "better" at the race, cause I trained "harder" by lugging the kiddos along!

Good for you on getting out!

Anonymous said...

I vote for double miles, too! Glad you were able to get out even under those circumstances. Hope everyone is feeling well.