Saturday, April 7, 2007


As the three of you who read my blog (am I being optimistic?) already know, I dropped my laptop on its head. The hard drive is destroyed and who knows what else. I had nothing backed up (stupid, stupid...I know.) I didn't have anything critically important on it, but I did have a lot of pictures I'm very sad to have lost. Between Snapfish, pics I sent to people and pictures still on our cameras, I really didn't lose much, but it still hurts to have lost them...and to have been so stupid. Anyway, I'm having a hard time letting go and taking my computer in to get a new hard drive. In the meantime, I'm relying on the kindness of my husband and my 6- or 7-year-old Ford-issued desktop in our basement to get me by. So, I didn't finish the post I began just before the untimely demise of my laptop. And I haven't been able to write the Easter post I had in my head. I guess I still have tomorrow...


Dave said...

There are at least four of us, that I know of.

Dave said...

The four of us are getting impatient for another post. :)