Thursday, July 2, 2009


Today at Minnehaha Falls Madeline wanted a treat. The options were pretty limited so we got an ice cream cone. I hadn't realized, or even thought about it, that with her dairy sensitivity (which she's now outgrowing) she had never had an ice cream cone. She looked awestruck when I handed it to her. "I've never had one of these." She was beaming as we walked around, hand in hand. She pointed to the cone and asked, "Can I eat this part?" I nodded. After she had eaten down to the cone she kept sticking her fingers into the ice cream. And I kept telling her to take them out. Finally she asked, "Does the ice cream go all the way down?" Ah, so that was what she was doing with her fingers. She took a few bites of the cone then announced, "I like the inside better than the outside," before handing it to me. The mystique of the ice cream cone had vanished. But for a few minutes she felt like the most special girl in the world.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome that she got her first ice cream cone!!! How exciting. :) Also great to hear she is outgrowing her dairy sensitivity. Christy's daughter has the same issue (she's nearly 2), so it's good to hear that it can be outgrown.

wildmary said...

I don't remember my first ice cream cone but ice cream has always been like magic to me ~ special and a little unbelievable. Loved your story!