Sunday, July 27, 2008

The end is near

Prepare yourself, the world may be ending soon. This afternoon, at my husband's request, I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Regular old Nestle Toll House cookies. That's amazing enough, but even more amazing is that I followed the recipe exactly. I neither substituted for nor skimped on the butter. I used no amount of whole grain flour. I used plain old sugar, no sucanat, no agave nectar, no maple syrup. Just for Al.

But I did make a batch of whole wheat oatmeal raisin cookies with dairy-free margarine for Madeline and myself.

1 comment:

Dave said...

My gosh Ingie, you are worrying me. I count on you to keep up the "natural front" of the war, and keep it real. What will I do now?